Sunday, December 25, 2016

At the end of my drive is a tree, growing next to my house, across from my living room window, dazzled with bunches of red berries.  It craps on my car all the time, and thus gives me reason to mutter and cuss.  But, this time of year, brightly breasted Robins and some very perky looking blue jays come to enjoy it's fruit and revisit old nests.  Sitting in my living room drinking coffee this crisp Christmas morning, I had to smile as I watched the robins jump from one branch to another, munching the berries.  The blue jays showed interest, presumably because the robins appeared to be enjoying themselves, but opted for the neighbors cat food instead.  It gave me a smile, seeing how a tree that brought me some frustration because of its berries, was actually bringing sustenance and joy to these birds.  Isn't that life though?